Monday, December 22, 2008

Another photographic life update

I realized I hadn't gotten around to this yet, so here we go, the happenings of November in all their photo captured glory.

We are learning a little bit about military life on a base, Steve has been having 24 hour duties, and we got to go watch them raise the morning colors one day.
Morning Colors

I got the chance to go wander around the base a little bit, and see what there is to see. I'm really bummed, they have taken the old airfield and are using it as a parking lot. It just seems like sacrilige.

One weekend one of my best friends and her husband came up for a football game, and stayed with us. We got to go out to a movie, just us adults, which was a lot of fun!
Me and Angela

I made a friend through flickr, and so I got to go out with someone and really shoot for the first time in quite a while! We wandered around Union Station and the Liberty Memorial.
Union Station Angle

Boy in the light

Liberty Memorial and City

Immigrant Hall

We explored a little bit north of Union Station, and really liked this bridge that crosses the tracks.
Into the Dark

It's nice to have someone here that I can go out shooting with, and it was great to get out for a bit!


Leon1234 said...

Great banner and great photo shots.

Tangerine said...

Thanks a lot. The banner was a self portrait that I wasn't sure if it would work. Set the camera up on a tripod and ran to stand out at the end of the walkway. :)

Punk Johnny Cash said...

Beautiful Photography, I hope to see more.