Monday, December 22, 2008

Another photographic life update

I realized I hadn't gotten around to this yet, so here we go, the happenings of November in all their photo captured glory.

We are learning a little bit about military life on a base, Steve has been having 24 hour duties, and we got to go watch them raise the morning colors one day.
Morning Colors

I got the chance to go wander around the base a little bit, and see what there is to see. I'm really bummed, they have taken the old airfield and are using it as a parking lot. It just seems like sacrilige.

One weekend one of my best friends and her husband came up for a football game, and stayed with us. We got to go out to a movie, just us adults, which was a lot of fun!
Me and Angela

I made a friend through flickr, and so I got to go out with someone and really shoot for the first time in quite a while! We wandered around Union Station and the Liberty Memorial.
Union Station Angle

Boy in the light

Liberty Memorial and City

Immigrant Hall

We explored a little bit north of Union Station, and really liked this bridge that crosses the tracks.
Into the Dark

It's nice to have someone here that I can go out shooting with, and it was great to get out for a bit!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I've known for a while that I'm an INFP. I recently ran across a different type of personality profiling that is compatible with the Myers-Briggs typing. So, here is me:


The thing that is highly amusing to me, is that when my Marine took it, they rated me as the least compatible of all of his friends...I guess opposites do attract!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Manna Storehouse Raid

I can't even tell you how sickening and extremely frightening this is. The implications to our freedoms hardly bear thinking of. I've taken the time to e-mail the state of Ohio about this travesty. Please help me spread the word, and if you have the time to send your own e-mail, please do.

Ohio Department of Agriculture
call: 614-728-6201

To Whom it may concern:

I am writing to express my extreme concern regarding the recent raid on the Stowers family. Regardless of their guilt or innocence, the rights that the United States Constitution has given them were severely infringed upon. The 4th amendment was placed high on the list because of it's extreme importance. We have the right to live without fear of our government invading our homes over a small charge. A misdemeanor is called such because it is not a major threat to the people. Even were someone accused of the most heinous of crimes, they are still innocent until proven guilty, and the law must still be obeyed.

Ohio claims that their SWAT is to be used only for:

* Hostage Situations: the holding of any person(s) against their will by an armed or potentially armed suspect.
* Barricade Situation: the stand-off created by an armed or potentially armed suspect in any location, whether fortified or not, who is refusing to comply with law enforcement demands for surrender.
* Sniper Situations: the firing upon citizens and/or law enforcement officers by an armed suspect, whether stationary or mobile.
* High-Risk Apprehension: the arrest or apprehension of armed or potentially armed suspects where the likelihood of armed resistance is high.
* High-Risk Warrant Service: the service of search or arrest warrants where the warrant service matrix or policy recommends or requires the use of SWAT.
* Personal Protection: the security of special persons, such as VIP's, witnesses, or suspects, based on threat or potential threat to the well being of those persons.
* Special Assignments: any assignment, approved by the SWAT Operations Commander, based on a high level of threat and/or need.

It seems obvious to all that the SWAT team is to provide assistance for highly dangerous situations. I'm not certain how a family with small children, a family who runs a co-op qualifies.

As the wife of a fire arms instructor and former LEO, I am highly disturbed that it was deemed necessary for children and infants to be held at gun point. Anyone who has been trained in the use of firearms understands that you do not point a weapon at another person unless you are prepared to kill them. Are children now perceived to be so dangerous that this was necessary?

No matter what the reasoning for this attack was, it was completely mishandled. This has become a debacle, and whoever authorized it should be ashamed of themselves. Our country is a free country, or it is supposed to be. Stop doing things to give law enforcement a bad name, and stop abusing power.

I hope to hear of a formal apology and appropriate reparations to the Stowers for the unprofessional way this whole event was planned and handled.

Angela Bare

Monday, December 1, 2008

Behold the chocolate mustache

My son ate 3/4 of the candy in an advent calender today.

You will notice that even with the tear on his cheek, he still doesn't seem too upset.

And now, even as I was typing, I heard a massive crash. Our family picture got knocked off the shelf, along with a candle stick that was a wedding present. Of course, it shattered. What a day!


In Memory of the Fallen

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Trouble in Thailand

Rachel pointed me towards a story this morning that I would normally be interested in, but not massively.

But this one is different! You see, my aunt and uncle along with my grandmother are currently in the middle of their first trip to Thailand. They have been visiting my great-aunt, and are now enjoying the sunshine in Phuket. They are supposed to be coming home in the next few days. I'm not really sure how that's going to work at the moment. This is one of those things that you feel like you need to do SOMETHING, but I can't think of anything I can do. Besides pray. So far the protestors are not being violent. Lets all hope that things stay that way, and that my family can get safely out of the country and back home.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

That's silly...or is it?

I couldn't resist. It's too funny.

Is your cat plotting to kill you?

Actually I finished this one first...

The Ugly American The Ugly American by William J. Lederer

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is a must read for anyone who cares about the state of our world. This book should absolutely be required reading for anyone who wants to pursue a career in politics. It is written fictionally, but each of the events portrayed actually happened. It is horrific how ethnocentric citizens of the United States are and how horribly that has affected our foreign policy all over the world.

View all my reviews.

Just finished a book...

Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae by Steven Pressfield

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was an amazing look at the battle of Thermopylae. I'm going through the Marine Corps reading list with my husband, and I couldn't agree with them more for this pick. The principles and ideas the Spartans held to are the ideal of the warrior. I even cried.

View all my reviews.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kids are dumb. Right?

Apparently you can be hostile to a child, you can say things that make it obvious you think they are stupid, but it's ok, you are really letting them make their own choice. Because they are really that dumb. Right?

I don't know about other kids, but mine are very smart. I have to work sometimes NOT to influence them. Obviously, as a mother, it is my job to teach them things, and to influence their minds to a certain extent. I want them to learn what is moral, what is right and what is wrong. But I also want them to learn to think on their own. I do my best to explain why something isn't a good idea, or why it is, although I admit I'm sure I've made them feel stupid in the past. But I really don't want that.

Apparently this teacher doesn't feel the same way. What, a child that age isn't going to understand that they are saying something "bad" if an adult repeats it and adds "Oh Lord!! Oh Jesus!!" Because kids are stupid, right? Or we just want to make them feel that way? I don't know how this little girls parents reacted to this, but I would have been furious. No teacher should DARE to humiliate my child in a classroom setting like that. If they are misbehaving, sure, they should get in trouble. But does a personal choice like this rank as misbehavior? I guess so. That tone of voice sure is doing it's best to let Kathy know that her decision is "bad".

Our kids need to learn about the voting process. But obviously they don't have the right to a private opinion until they reach their majority. And the schools don't really want to let us know about it...I never heard a word about voting in my sons school till the day he came home with an "I voted" sticker. Why is that? Why, when they send home seven million pieces of paper every day, do they fail to mention that they will be discussing an important election, and having my kiddo vote? Maybe this kind of behavior is why.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lolcats and Politics

I've been doing some reading on I'm attempting to be open-minded and graceful. I believe that it is my duty to stay involved in my government, but that doesn't mean following a strict party line, or simply having knee-jerk reactions. But there is phrasing that worries me. Things that taken alone seem great, but added to a bunch of other things I can't help but think: Where in the world is all that money coming from?!

I'll try to go into more thoughtful depth about this later, after all, no knee jerking here, so I want to be able to lay out my arguments and thoughts in a precise reasonable manner. Not to convince anyone, but simply because I feel it's important for me, that I have thoroughly researched something. I want to be certain of my position. For now, I'll leave you with a cute kitty picture that sums up my feelings about...pretty much all politicians right now! (thanks Renee for getting me started on that silly website tonight!)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Since I left out the little one...

Grinning Baby, originally uploaded by baresilver.

I realized I didn't really put a picture in of the little one. So, We have another blog entry all for him. The picture is out of focus...he just moves too fast sometimes! But I love his little "I'm cute and I know it" grin.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Photography, and my recent activites

So, I've been toting around a growing pile of film for the last few weeks. I loath running in and out of the grocery store multiple times with a bunch of kids in tow. So the film has been taking over a counter, and then my purse. It's so much more painful financially when I do this. Not that it cost less when I do it all at once, but I don't notice it as much!

I finally got all my shots uploaded to flickr, but I figured I'd post some of my favorites here...and some that are more significant. That way we can have a little run down on what I've been doing for the past month or so! Ready?

The Mr. and I took the boys to experience our new town. Lucky us, they had a little festival on main street which we got to explore. Lots of nifty little antique shops, typical fair food, and a petting zoo. We all had lots of fun!
My Men

On the eldest's birthday, we all went to a local football game. Apparently, the Belton Pirate's were division champs last year...not so much this year. We still had lots of fun though!
Binoculars To Watch The Game

And just because he's so hot...

The next week, we had a joint birthday party for me, the Mr., the oldest and the middle. Grandparents came, an aunt, uncle and cousins, all much to the joy of my boys.
Destruction Fun

With so many people in the house, I had the chance to run out to the grocery store...and, smart girl, I took my camera. Which gave me the opportunity to shoot something I'd wanted to catch for a while.
Front Office

Halloween weekend was crazy: My birthday lunch,
Pizza and Wine
trick-or-treating fun,
T-rexs, Baby Dinos and Spys, oh my!
getting to see an old friend...we spent our whole growing up together, running in the woods, peeking through the neighbors fence, building fires and smoking fake cigarettes...and I haven't seen her since I was preggers with the eldest!
That evening, we had the Marine Corps Ball. Which was amazing, and tons of fun, and I'm ever so greatful to my parents for watching the short people. I really didn't get pictures, so as soon as we get the professional ones, I promise they'll be here.
My Corporal

That's really about it, for now. Besides the election. But I didn't take any pictures of that. So, I'll leave you with a couple that I like how they turned out, particularly well.
Haunted Field
Long Shadows

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


The United States is reviled by many because "we get into other peoples business." Much of the world thinks that we should mind our own country, and ignore problems in other countries.

And yet, we have this:

Essentially it reminds us that world opinion matters, that we should take into account how others would vote when we are voting. While our foreign policy is obviously a major consideration in this election, it seems to me that there is something of a double standard here. "The World" does not want The USA to be involved in running other peoples countries...and yet, wants to tell us how to run ours? Huh. Funny.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Abraham Lincoln, blank checks, information and other random quotes

On the radio: "I'm a native of Kansas City calling from Vermont of all places, and I wanted you to know that I'm voting for Abraham Lincoln because his corpse could do a better job than either of these two clowns!"

"A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America', for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'" (Author unknown)

"The irony of the Information Age is that it has given new respectability to uninformed opinion."
~John Lawton

“What is not possible is not to choose.”
~Jean-Paul Sartre

“Within any important issue, there are always aspects no one wishes to discuss.”
~George Orwell

“In self-analysis the danger of incompleteness is particularly great. One is too soon satisfied with a part explanation.”
~Sigmund Freud

“Shall I tell you what knowledge is? It is to know both what one knows and what one does not know.”

A Proud Right-Wing Nut Job On Politics And Friends

I have very strong convictions, but I'm also open to differing thought processes and ideas. This whole election nastiness brings about an interesting consideration. We get emotional and frustrated, and I have heard folks rant and rail against those "crazy socialist left-wingers" or "the gun-toting right wing conspirators"...and yet, my sister and I discussed this morning, that individually, we all have friends, good friends, maybe even family who sit just as staunchly on the opposite side of the aisle from us.

So what do you do? Politics is something that you get 4 different opinions with 2 people in the room. And that's if they are on the same side! It seems like this is something that could destroy friendships, and yet how can you let it? My friends and family are the most important thing. And while I may think some of them are misguided, in the end the friendships are what last. I've had some very interesting discussions with friends regardless of who they are voting for. I think it's good that we all get the chance to voice our thoughts.

But even so, I'm very glad this is almost over. Tomorrow, we will be done. Assuming things don't get wacky like 2000.

And in the end, even if the absolute worst I can imagine does come to pass, what am I going to do to my friends who helped it happen? I can promise the most they'll get from me is a "Ha! I told you so!" as Steve and I run for the hills with our kids and our guns. ;)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Make New Friends, But Keep The Old...

Yesterday I got lots of well wishes from friends, new and old.

But one in particular was a pleasant surprise.

I have a childhood best friend who I don't talk to very much any more. She's still one of my favorite people in the world, but life has drifted us our separate ways. We live a good 5 states away from each other so we can't exactly get together for coffee or dinner.

It's interesting how our relationship has changed over the years. In High School, we did everything together. And I do mean everything! From fourth grade on, we shared large chunks of our lives. But then I went off to college and got married and started having kids, and she went off to Europe and has been working and finishing school. And oddly enough it wasn't till after we graduated High School that we really started being honest, I think. We've only seen each other a very few times in the past 10 years, and we only talk every few months. But I think there is more trust between us now. We've had discussions that we never would have trusted each other with in High School. Basically, I miss my friend. And yet I recognize the irony that some of our best communication has come after we no longer see each other.

Yesterday, she called me. And in a day where I felt grouchy and crummy, that few minutes of conversation before she went to work...that was just what I needed to give me a little boost and change my outlook.

Here's to friends, new and old. Sometimes, especially the old.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Verbosity And A Sore Throat

I'm amused at myself.

I always do this when I get a new journal, or start a new blog. For some reason it seems like a momentous occasion, and I tend to get verbose and poetical in a silly way.

"A new journal! I...I must think of something witty and fascinating to say! Uhm...hmmm..."

But now that ice is broken, I've popped the cherry, and I can get down to simply writing whatever.

Like, isn't there a rule somewhere that you can't be sick on your birthday? I'm sure I've read something to that effect, once upon a time. And yet there is this persistent sore throat this morning, in complete and blatant defiance of any such law.

I demand a refund.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Presenting: Me

There is a single microphone, centered on the stage. It waits as I stare past the footlights to the rows of emptiness. The musty silence will wait patiently, forever. Nervous fingers caress and arrange pages of their own accord. They are blank, and I will write on them.

My approach echoes loudly in the darkness, and I stand alone in my personal spotlight. A tap, a breath into the microphone, and I begin:

Hello, here I am, this is me making a promise to myself. My insecurity, secured. Locked up, throw away the key. Perhaps it will break out occasionally, but it is not welcome here. I cannot claim that I will write blinding brilliance, or perfect poetry. Just, thoughts. Perhaps often, perhaps not. But I'm here now, and life will take it's course. Who knows, this may become a simple catalog of my days, of my husband and children. But of course, there in, I can be found. I choose, to always find me.