Tuesday, November 4, 2008


The United States is reviled by many because "we get into other peoples business." Much of the world thinks that we should mind our own country, and ignore problems in other countries.

And yet, we have this:

Essentially it reminds us that world opinion matters, that we should take into account how others would vote when we are voting. While our foreign policy is obviously a major consideration in this election, it seems to me that there is something of a double standard here. "The World" does not want The USA to be involved in running other peoples countries...and yet, wants to tell us how to run ours? Huh. Funny.


Binary Rhyme said...

Hehe. Actually, all the rest of the world wants is a leader of the USA who is most likely to stay out of their business. They don't much care after that. ;-)

Tangerine said...

Ahh, but that only lasts as long as things are going well. As soon as there is a massive natural disaster, folks want us involved. Money, supplies, manpower. And even though the USA consistently gives the most, I've seen screaming that we aren't giving enough. If we are supposed to stay out of their business, why should we give anything? You can't have it both ways.

Annie said...

Ahem.....time for an update already!!!!! How about some post-election thoughts?

This post was a nice and thoughtful one. I agree that the world can't have it both ways. They can't get mad when we interfere...and then get mad when we don't respond with as much help as they think we should.

Tangerine said...

I'm taking my time on the post election thoughts. I have lots of them, but I also want to be gracious in this. I have valid concerns, and I'll lay them all out, I just want to make sure I'm doing it in a reasonable manner, and not a reactionary one.